Wednesday 8 June 2016

10. Work Process and its type

01. Work Process
The work processes are special programs in charge of some specific tasks. Using client/server terminology, a work process is a service offered by a server and requested by a client.
Work processes make use of two special areas: paging and roll. The paging area holds application program data such as internal tables or report listings. The roll area holds the user context data entered in previous dialog steps and other control and user information such as authorizations. Where there is main memory available, these areas are held in the main memory of application servers; otherwise they are paged out or rolled out to physical disk files.
02. Work Processes Types
There are several types of work processes: dialog, background, update, enqueue, and spool. Additionally, the R/3 runtime system includes three other special types of services: message service, gateway, and the system log collector.
A group made of a dispatcher and a set of work processes is known as the application server.
Tcode to monitor work process is SM50

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